What is the real purpose of these ads? Shaming people into voting if they think that their “friends and family” will look up their information to see whether they actually voted? How often they vote? Future employers can also check, as can landlords, creditors, work colleagues, and stalkers.
I don't even know if it's true that "friends and family" can just look it up. "Public record" isn't the same as "readily available to the general public." Politicians, PACs, etc pay to get that information, and they are certainly shelling out for that info, but friends and family?
We get postcards that say "Your vote is secret, but the fact you voted is public." Hubs is like, "Is this some sort of scam or threat?" I explained it's true info, but am befuddled by the motive.
This is nonsense. Your voting record isn't publushed anywhere.
@jjGravitas Actually there is a record of WHETHER you voted but not your choices of candidates.
@cassandra17lina we all got those as well. Tom's was flat out incorrect (said he didn't vote in a couple elections that he certainly did vote)
personally i find them far more creepy than motivating...
@redenigma “Creepy” was my reaction too.
@cassandra17lina @redenigma Horrifying would be my reaction, TBH.
Here’s my “voter report card.”