I guess I moved away from Panama City, FL just in time. :vmc: was watching over me.

Accidentally issued $4000 to someone overnight.
Happy Friday!!

**Poof** boosted
**Poof** boosted

Officially moving back to California in October.
The fact that I've been here most of the past month is irrelevant. πŸ˜›

**Poof** boosted

Right. So where were we. Discussing the merits of eating Mr Chicken and some recipies I believe. Since the mystery of why Autymn is wearing a chicken shall likely remained unsolved....

I vore a nice butteryfly roast.

@Kitty62862 @Lil @lordrochestersmonkey @Gippy @autymn_lovee @Monzter

**Poof** boosted
**Poof** boosted

@autymn_lovee What? How DARE you be attractive and post pictures of yourself while not offering yourself to any incel virgin who happens to be desperate to get fucking laid?
I mean, how DARE you? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
:gippy: :ed209: :troll: :trollsplat:

Great weekend 😍😍😍
Sadly Monday comes too soon.

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