A colleague I used to work with owns her own mental health clinic & has partnered with a non-prof treatment center in the area. They use a 3rd party billing company for their billing. I've chatted with the CEO a few times because they are growing & want to bring billing in-house. They have reached out to me to "talk" about how to do this. I'm already FT employed in a position I started 3 months ago that I really enjoy with very good benefits.
What's a reasonable $ amount for consultant Svcs?
@annamuneca no less than $120 per hour.
@annamuneca you might need to calculate your current income by year, divide into 50 or 52, then 40 so you get hourly rate, THEN mark up the shit out of it, no less than 100%
I did a quick search of the Occupation Outlook Handbook (a government publication that I used as a resource when I taught Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship): for Consulting Services, you might be amazed - I was!
@PirateWench perfect! Their CEO really wants to get me on board with them but they’re still so new & small. This helps me get an idea of an asking rate to shoot for.
@annamuneca Glad I could help :)
@annamuneca Sounds like this worked out - there's a mismatch between what you're willing and able to provide, and what they're expecting to get. Not a missed opportunity, just not a good fit between you at this moment.
Perhaps if something changes.
@AskTheDevil that’s exactly how I feel about it. Besides the opportunity for learning & growth in a structured & supported environment at current job is massive
@annamuneca Yay! I'm glad you're in a good place.
Nevermind. I was told it would be a conflict of interest with current job. Upon telling colleague that she said “well it wouldn’t be consulting; we’re looking for a controller to take on the task. We’re not in a huge hurry.”
I’m not interested in that right now. It also seems like they’re not ready to tackle to project & want someone to do it for them.