A recent study showed that 1/4 of people attempting #suicide think about it for less than 5 minutes & almost 75% think about it for less than an hour before taking action. So, here's my request. We all need a safety plan posted somewhere where you can easily see it. Because one day, when that absolutely overwhelming moment comes where it feels impossible to go on, you need to have that tool right in arm's reach. Take the 5 minutes & make your safety plan. Do it now. #mentalhealth
@Jeber Ideation & impulse can be fleeting.
@annamuneca i dug up a study, not recent but not ancient, that does support these frightening stats. i like your suggestion! thanks.
in those moments, i try to remind myself that 'this too shall pass' and 'suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem'
@annamuneca really? wow? I've had extreme suicidal ideation since I was 12 or so. I would have thought others who succumbed to it were just beaten down. I have rules and stuff to deal with it.
@CannibalHoliday I never realized my thoughts were suicidal ideation. They were just thoughts too scary to act on. Now when they come up I acknowledge that I need a safe space and let the thought go. My pain is way less than the pain my absence would cause others who care about me. 💙💚
@annamuneca I've had to set up rules like all pets have to have passed, parents too, can only be by a specific method, etc.
Because there is a strong impulse all the time, it's like having Call Of The Void in place but everything is a trigger. So without rules...
I've never seen those stats before. That's a little frightening. It means just having a long-term opposition to the idea of suicide may not matter in the moment.