@Rupiefied2020 To live one's best life is a great adventure!
@VivianCreekmore to make it through 2023 without actually stabbing anyone
@Susandoyle That is so much better than the alternative! ;-) Good luck with that.
@VivianCreekmore it's been my observation that many people think of a resolution as an instant change - thus setting themselves up for a possible failure... I used to always just want to be a better person but, I'm actually doing a meaningful resolution this year - to be more patient with people
(including myself) & more helpful to others! But that will take time as a work in progress - took my 57 years to become who I am, it won't change over night!
@duglop I get it. My intentions are tiny:
Talk less
Listen more
Spend far less time on social media!
@VivianCreekmore Rarely as they tend to end up working out and who needs to start the year with a fail 😄
@Embers Good thinking!
@VivianCreekmore to live my best life