@Tacitus_Kilgore hmmm. How about Canarica
@Tacitus_Kilgore the red states would go into a huge depression if the blue states left so it'll sadly never happen
May Cascadia,
Live long and prosper.
The then confederated Tribes of the Pacific Northwest, signed a nonaggression pact and trade deal, with Canada. Mostly to protect the snake river valley. When the Federation of Cascadia was formed the treaty held.
@Timmah1979 Hey! Michigan wants in on that! Only reason we went for tfg is the Muslim protest vote which was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen a group of folks do.
@TrueBloodNet but it might ruin the buffalo shape 🤣.
@Timmah1979 great reason to leave us out. Lol
@TrueBloodNet I got jokes. I know lol
NewColoMexico would like a word.
@Timmah1979 🤔 Canamerica? Americana?