Cruel & unusual
“It's called "pay-to-stay", charging inmates for their prison stay, like a hotel they were forced to book. Florida law says that cost, $50 a day, is based on the person's sentence. Even if they are released early, paying for a cell they no longer occupy, and regardless of their ability to pay.
“Florida can also impose a new bill on the next occupant of that bed, potentially allowing the state to double, triple, or quadruple charge for the same bed.”
Prisons are Big Business. Disgraceful.
@Smersh Hence they criminalized squatting. Felony class violation.
Coming in 2025: Florida to allow local businesses to charge employees to work there.
@MPCavalier @Smersh My understanding is that she can't vote until this money is paid off.
@Smersh How the hell do they get away with that!!??