@th3j35t3r I don't think that one's going to last... I bet he can't take a drill sergeant breathing down his neck much less a four star general.
@dietotaku @th3j35t3r apparently but it looks like that's not the case anymore...*deep sigh* fuuuuck..
@PaganMother @dietotaku @th3j35t3r
SecDef is a civilian position. Generals had to be retired for a certain length of time before being appointed. Mattis, in 1st Trump Admin, got a waiver for that because he hadn't been retired long enough
@Anarchaeologist @dietotaku @th3j35t3r I still don't think this dude is qualified though. I don't think he'd be able to handle anyone in the military confronting him much less speaking to him.
@PaganMother @dietotaku @th3j35t3r
Oh I totally agree with you there. I remember when a Scaramucci was established as a unit of time, and look forward to seeing if he can last one
@PaganMother @th3j35t3r isn't the sec. def. supposed to BE a general?!