I gotta ask, what the fuck do we do about hate groups? I'd love to kick em all to the sun, but I know that's not possible, so what else can we do to break hate groups?
@PaganMother Ignore them. No attention.
@MrGoat Ignoring them would allow them to continue growing, that's the thing. They scrape up and snatch up folks that aren't aware, and aren't paying attention to folks that brew this nonsense. That's a big part of the problem ya know?
@PaganMother hmmm make folks more like me? I not fall for that bullshit.
@MrGoat I don't either my goat friend, I don't either.
@PaganMother Honestly?
Listen to the people who have escaped from them. They weren't insulted or shunned into seeing the light.
@PaganMother I think it’s going to take multiple answers, from many people.
For me I ask my hs students what they think is interesting on youtube. Then we talk about it. Since I do it all the time, someone will eventually try n be edgy. Other students will take down a hater pretty fast, and I facilitate so no one gets beatenup for believing something out of bounds.
@PaganMother IRS their sorry arses. If it worked for Al Capone. It will get the mouths/leaders where they belong. Florence ADX.
@PaganMother Look up Daryl Davis, he's dismantled KKK groups.