Oh gosh - well Steve if you can't do the time don't do the crime ;)
Steve Bannon 'quite concerned' his prison mates will be 'dangerous criminals': report
@th3j35t3r @NorthernInvader best answer.
@th3j35t3r someone will after he drops that bar of soap in the communal shower ;)
Someone very desperate 🤔
and more so as each hour passes
I would just like to put in a word for NOT making a joke out of our criminal justice system subjecting people to sexual abuse as a form of punishment, when many Nauts have been victims of rape, and when a sizeable percentage of people in prison are innocent.
Also, if Trump wins, we're all gonna be inside instead.
Kind of the downside of prison, I suppose, @NorthernInvader 🙄
Five words he does not, but hopefully will, hear whispered in his ear:
You mah lil’ puppy now….
@northernbassist He defends a rapist so let's see how that goes after he drops his bar of soap in the shower :)
@NorthernInvader I can't wait for Darwin's Theory of Prison Natural Selection to take hold in the prison yard. He's a target and he knows it.
If I were the other inmates, I would be "concerned" about him.
@NorthernInvader The feeling is no doubt mutual.
Tough guy. Macho man. Avatar of American masculinity. Reclaiming exceptionalism from the wimpy libz, amirite?
@DavidSalo so he says - he's soon to find out differently
@NorthernInvader It always seems people reacting like this never have been taught to take the resposibility for their actions- and bear the consequences with dignity instead of whining.
It´s just one of the most important lessons to teach from childhood on.🤷🏽♀️
@csforyou they believe they are special and above the law.
I hope his prison mates are what he hopes they are not.
Unkind of me but he has been a real pain in the arse for many.
Fuck him.