I've made a non-clinical decision to smoke more weed.
@MrGoat 😂
I'm on a job where I'd have to piss test, but I did just walk into a bar that's so full of smoke I think I time-shifted back to 1978. Wrong smoke though. ☹️
@FireMonkey yeah there's some like that around here - dives/hole in the walls.
Just depends on the place for smoking.
Some don't care about weed if you go outside.
And d test at job for marijuana is dumb but whatever. I can see for coke and h and meth etc but weed? please.
Actually, my peeps got me covered on that. When they rehired me they had to require that I'll take a test, but they'll ignore the weed. And they're hiring me into another company that may or may not care, but all they're going to tell them is that I passed the requirements. Actually nobody up and down the line gives a shit. It's just what's written and has to be checked off, and who has the balls to make it work. So far all is well.
And since I was supposed to take the test within 72 hours of onboarding, I guess everybody's kind of forgotten about that too.
Shit. I'm going to have to toss these clothes and grab some new ones in the morning. They'll stink.
Washer & Dryer.
@MrGoat No problems detected.