We have folks trying to rush along the approval process to obtain this other home - I don't know what is gonna happen yet - I worry what to do if it's not approved - Still probably gonna need help either way and I don't wanna ask for it =(
UPDATE 4/1/2023
Ya'll are amazing - in just yesterday afternoon from 600 to 1230/3k goal
I am forever grateful to you folks and wish you only the best things in life. <3 #housing #cosomutualaid
4/9/2023 Still no answers as of mid-day today on if we are getting to hand money and move to this place we applied for. Sigh. =( #housing #cosomutualaid
@MrGoat just seen this update, what is the approval deadline for the other location?
@Mauve_matelot heh ASAP? .... i know no dates other than we are supposed to be out by the 1st but that isn't happening as we are in the process of packing still 0.0 Trying to avoid hotel/storage then move into place if possible.
@MrGoat Noted. Sending hugs for all of you and prayers for Monday.
@Mauve_matelot Thank you! <3
You and Stuey are too kind - Glad to have met you folks here =)
@MrGoat Best wishes. A horrible and stressful time.
@JolieSaboteuse yeah .... I'm the one with probably the least amount of anxiety/stress - pretty numb to it all =(
@MrGoat Yes and I understand that entirely.
You WILL get through.
Be strong and try not to leave it all until it's too late. I know it's hard.
You can do this.
@MrGoat: How can I send some dough? Snail mail? PayPal? Zelle?
@thedisasterautist @MrGoat this is also my question
@MrGoat Awesome but I've searched and cannot find your links to help....
@PurpleDragon hey purp, our fabulous @MrGoat is not posting their finance handles in public.
There is a miniature tank auction in progress and Stueytheround is making donations linked to bandcamp downloads, check out #CosoMutualAid for more posts with the specifics.
@Mauve_matelot Thanks, @MrGoat already DM'd me with info. ๐
@MrGoat I'm hoping for the best for you. ๐ค
@Ironworker229 We are hoping the same!! Thanks ๐
@MrGoat ๐ค
@MrGoat For goodness sake, ask people. You are loved and people will fall over themselves to help.
I wish I was in a position to help.
Reach out, be honest, and ask. It doesn't diminish you as a person in any way at all.
I love you, stay strong.
@JolieSaboteuse Yeah I made a post with an update. I'm just not one to be like oh hey yea sure I'll take your money.... =/
@MrGoat I understand. I truly do.
@MrGoat But what's wrong with taking what is offered willingly when you are in crisis?
Nothing at all.
@JolieSaboteuse IDK Just naturally don't like it lol
@MrGoat The kindness of strangers is what humanity is all about.
And there will be a time you can pay it forward to another in need.
@MrGoat I hear you. Not feeling like a "scrounger" is really important. I assure you, that's not how you're viewed. You're a friend who needs help.
I have an idea how I can assist you in a small way, if you'll allow it.
@stueytheround @MrGoat Well said, Stuey.
@stueytheround Do it to it man. @JolieSaboteuse
@MrGoat Ok. Watch your feed.
@stueytheround It watches me =(
post yer fckng venmo dude, some people here are angels who give quietly and privately and have only good intentions
and hang in there something will come up soon. @MrGoat @JolieSaboteuse
@MrGoat where is the link?
$600 in coffers for shelter/food
Goal is around $3k total.
Huge thank you to those that have helped thus far!
I have no dates for moving or anything yet and I'm gonna be on it tomorrow to find out anything I can about us being approved for this new place - really trying to avoid storage and a hotel as temporary.
#cosomutualaid #Housing