So I don't want to use a funding site as the fees are 2.9% plus other additional fees - I will if it's the best route but I'm also not sure even what is needed right now but we don't have much time before an eviction process is started >.> finding a place to live while working and taking care of other family and things is 0.0

We have folks trying to rush along the approval process to obtain this other home - I don't know what is gonna happen yet - I worry what to do if it's not approved - Still probably gonna need help either way and I don't wanna ask for it =(



$600 in coffers for shelter/food

Goal is around $3k total.

Huge thank you to those that have helped thus far!

I have no dates for moving or anything yet and I'm gonna be on it tomorrow to find out anything I can about us being approved for this new place - really trying to avoid storage and a hotel as temporary.

UPDATE 4/1/2023

Ya'll are amazing - in just yesterday afternoon from 600 to 1230/3k goal

I am forever grateful to you folks and wish you only the best things in life. <3

So I don't know anything more than what I did before except that we should know for sure the end of the week =/ 0.0 Let's hope.

4/9/2023 Still no answers as of mid-day today on if we are getting to hand money and move to this place we applied for. Sigh. =(

@MrGoat Best wishes. A horrible and stressful time.

@JolieSaboteuse yeah .... I'm the one with probably the least amount of anxiety/stress - pretty numb to it all =(

@MrGoat Yes and I understand that entirely.

You WILL get through.

Be strong and try not to leave it all until it's too late. I know it's hard.

You can do this.

@MrGoat: How can I send some dough? Snail mail? PayPal? Zelle?

@MrGoat Awesome but I've searched and cannot find your links to help....

@PurpleDragon hey purp, our fabulous @MrGoat is not posting their finance handles in public.
There is a miniature tank auction in progress and Stueytheround is making donations linked to bandcamp downloads, check out for more posts with the specifics.

@MrGoat 🤞sending all the mojo your way
(Cuz everybody needs a mojodojocasahouse!)

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