So I don't want to use a funding site as the fees are 2.9% plus other additional fees - I will if it's the best route but I'm also not sure even what is needed right now but we don't have much time before an eviction process is started >.> finding a place to live while working and taking care of other family and things is 0.0

We have folks trying to rush along the approval process to obtain this other home - I don't know what is gonna happen yet - I worry what to do if it's not approved - Still probably gonna need help either way and I don't wanna ask for it =(

@MrGoat For goodness sake, ask people. You are loved and people will fall over themselves to help.

I wish I was in a position to help.

Reach out, be honest, and ask. It doesn't diminish you as a person in any way at all.

I love you, stay strong.


@JolieSaboteuse Yeah I made a post with an update. I'm just not one to be like oh hey yea sure I'll take your money.... =/

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@MrGoat But what's wrong with taking what is offered willingly when you are in crisis?

Nothing at all.

@MrGoat The kindness of strangers is what humanity is all about.

And there will be a time you can pay it forward to another in need.

@MrGoat I hear you. Not feeling like a "scrounger" is really important. I assure you, that's not how you're viewed. You're a friend who needs help.
I have an idea how I can assist you in a small way, if you'll allow it.

:cosign: @stueytheround

post yer fckng venmo dude, some people here are angels who give quietly and privately and have only good intentions

and hang in there something will come up soon. @MrGoat @JolieSaboteuse

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