Perhaps, IME, the clearest explanation of the DEMS predicament now with Uncle Joe...
“The chaos surrounding the current events are actually hard to watch. Those who care about the president should spare him any more embarrassment and humiliation. He needs to step down, however, the president still believes in himself, does not see the situation as it really is, and refuses to go. Nonetheless, all this chaos benefits the Republicans.”-DW
Cartoon by Dick Wright for Counterpoint
@Madken65 I am going to ask you just because I ask every single person who puts this same talking point up and doesn't realize that they are campaigning for Trump. Who are you proposing replace him? I have yet to see a single person who keeps claiming he should step down with any idea of who else would take his place.
I think Gretchen Whitmer could be talked into running...
I remember Bob Bennett of Colorado favorably, and I believe there was a Democratic Governor of Ohio who might fit the bill.
IME, again, it doesn't matter...What matters is we counter this AGE issue with Biden so Trump doesn't come in the backdoor, which is exactly what the media is going to play the American public into thinking is reasonable.
@Madken65 How well do you think a hypothetical Whitmer could perform in fundraising alone after the primaries have already been held? Do you think the Republicans would have any sort of issue with attempting to replace all of the ballots that already have Biden on them? Has Whitmer even said she wants to run against him? Would these same Democrats want Whitmer? How about those overseas ballots that we use for active US Service members? This is a lot of hypotheticals, and about a year too late.
This BALLOT argument is kinda funny to me...
Historically, in America, we had political conventions in the summer months, candidates were placed on the ticket and then they appeared on ballots within each state.
Why are the political parties holding conventions under the guise of selecting candidates if they can't get them on any ballots?
@Madken65 While this is a good question, it still doesn't answer the questions that I asked. These nominating conventions really hold no sway, and we all know this. After all, Trump is the only person even being considered for the Republican nominating convention. I really don't think any of us are that confused why we go through these motions just to present two bad candidates to voters and force the choice of "lesser of two evils". This has been our elections for how long?
It's not me I'm worried about, it's the influenced 'center' of USA...
They hold the sway.