
HI @NiveusLepus! 👋

How's tricks? Have you been taking care of yourself while showing up so beautifully for others, too?

@MLClark I’m doing my best too, but sometimes I do feel a little weary. ^_^. How are you my dear and sacred friend?


"Weary" is an interesting phase of the heart, no? 🤗

When we come out of weariness, what a gift of gratitude we get from ensuing joy!

But the weariness has to be lived through first.

I'm looking forward to catching up on the rest of your writing later this week, and so heartened that you've found the time for creative practice amid so much else.

Just wanted you to know that you were in my thoughts today, and that I'm always hoping things are hopping along beautifully for you. 💛

@MLClark It is a great blessing to be thought of by you. In truth I can say much the same, every time I sit down to work, or check in on Coso.

You are a source of consistent joy in my life, and care. ^_^

I’ve got some doozy comments… One even had “I’m not a misogynist but…”

It’s fascinating!



😂 It's cute, because you can see exactly what kind of masculinity this avatar is LARPing right now. Cosmic power systems need to be SERIOUS and STRAIGHTFORWARD. How dare you mock the POWER system in your universe?!

I feel like reading Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett might give this person a hernia, but for now... 10/10 for a stellar performance of aspirational masc identity.

You have arrived as an author when these weird attacks come out of the woodwork. 🎉

@NiveusLepus @MLClark
OMG Bun are you kidding me???? 😂 😂 I am so sorry you had to endure that nonsense. Not worth a moment of your time.

@janallmac @MLClark One of the first people I ever showed any of my written work too said “Your writing doesn’t need an editor, it needs a priest.”

To date, I’ve written 23 novels, one was published traditionally, went independent, published six more and took best seller in my category.

Prayer changes things, I guess ^_^

I’m quite comfortable with the idea many will never give my work a chance, and not everyone will get it.

That’s not going to keep me from shining ^_^

@NiveusLepus @janallmac

The first time I sold an SF story, to Lightspeed, I was so excited and posted to LJ about it in a public post. Big mistake.

Out of the woodwork came a rando who needed me to know that publishing via an online journal wasn't REALLY publishing, and that my tidally locked planet was stupid, and my alien species was, too.

Random critics come into our lives at such strange moments in their own. To go out of one's way to shit on a stranger's first sale is... something else!

@MLClark @janallmac They must be hurting terribly to manifest so much outward negativity.

I hope they find the healing they need to not feel so much anger all the time.

@NiveusLepus @janallmac


I now remind myself, after any bad encounter, that I only had to deal with their unpleasantness for a moment. They have to LIVE with their unpleasantness full time. That to me seems the far more miserable option between the two. ❤️

@MLClark @janallmac As to your “Planet being stupid” etc…

“There are more things in the heavens and the earth that can be dreamt of in your philosophies” Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

If it can be dreamed it can be. There is so much more to the universe than we often give it credit for.

@NiveusLepus @janallmac

I had a similar response to stories published in Analog, which had some really vicious forums for a while.

One story built on a NASA proof-of-concept I'd read about, with respect to magnetic-driven propulsion. The commenter thought it was the kind of crap that only a "female" writer would dream up.

Another story started with a references to the Filles du roi, which is part of Canadian settler history. A commenter complained about having to read about "prostitutes".

@MLClark @NiveusLepus

I love reading you guys' interactions.

hopeful and knowledgeable!

Always something to learn with you both

@MLClark @janallmac Wow… that’s truly mind boggling.

Isn’t the whole point of speculative fiction to speculate, to dream, to wage conjecture like a weapon against cold hard reality?

@NiveusLepus @janallmac

Suffice it to say, some people go into work with a chip on their shoulder, and if that's what gets their rocks off, more power to them.

But we're not writing for their titillation, right? We're writing for the readers who go into the experience with curiosity and a desire to connect with other wonder-seeking critters, too.

I'm so glad you've found your people, dear Bun. :) I hope their voices always sing louder in your mind, when thinking of your work's reception.

@MLClark @janallmac My stories remain as testament to my ideas, my hopes, and the fact that I was here.

I’m doing just fine, and it gives me even more joy that the negative comment has inspired this wonderful connection we’ve all shared in this thread.

I find it can be the judgement that something is negative that can cause the most suffering, but if you apply manure correctly, flowers will thrive in time.


*Do you want Sundays off? 😬

Being "the Wise" seven days a week is a tough gig!


@NiveusLepus @MLClark @janallmac
What a wonderful thread to read. a perfect example for how something nasty can be turned into something beautiful-
I´m sorry the comment made you weary -but this man he remains to being miserable on the inside, while you´ve found author´s gold: support and understanding from other authors. And resilience to not let such words dim your light.

Just one thing to remember about RR.
They have a rewa
rd system-for authors but also for readers, comments and reviews.

@NiveusLepus @MLClark @janallmac
While the creators might have thought it a great idea- it can be a motivater for people to ´make a name for themselves´, reach a higher level and get a power rush from knowing that inexperienced readers might trust their judgement more bc of that.
(🤭 save to say I rarely read reviews-I read books and they either ´click with me in my current mood or not-it´s a very subjective experience)

@MLClark @NiveusLepus @janallmac that sucks but I'm not surprised. That element is still around, which is one reason why I think my work hasn't taken off...I write a lot of character-driven stuff and I know at least one "writer" who regularly sneers at what he calls "litteracheer." And character-driven fiction.


*clutches pearls*

Characters?! Oh my!

Joyce, you have struggled mightily to find an audience in a world that hands them eagerly to some but without rhyme or reason.

I for one am thankful for your insights, and your ongoing processing of what this frustrating struggle has been like for you on a personal level.

I will never stop reading your reflections on the grinding, estranging fickleness of our industry. So--you have one reader here, for sure!

@NiveusLepus @janallmac


You could thank him for his thoughtful and constructive feedback, *wich* you sincerely appreciate.

Or just forget about his pathetic attempt to be cruel to a stranger.

@MLClark @janallmac


Jan, I just want to give you the biggest ol' hug for your supportiveness all throughout this thread. Thank you for your presence!


@MLClark @NiveusLepus @janallmac

What a crummy experience to have had.

Talentless bozos will always try to crap on people with talent because they think it gives them power and makes up for their inability to create.

There's nothing to do about it, I guess, except to ignore the little b**t**ds and forge ahead.

@NiveusLepus @DavidSalo @MLClark

If that's an example of your critics, your muses are probably giving him wet willies and forcing him to hit himself. Heck, just one muse alone could do that A small, skinny muse.

@NiveusLepus @MLClark
Well, I suppose you can't please everyone, and personally, I don't try. But my goodness, the trouble some people take to be critics, and ridiculous, pointless critics at that, is really astounding! Like -- that took work and mental gymnastics. It's clear you have a lot of fans, too. I went and checked you out on Amazon just now and there are so many 5 star reviews!

I'm glad you kept on shining. 💜

@janallmac @MLClark If people take a chance on my work, they tend to stay. It’s one of the greatest quiet compliments for me, to see a sale for Dawnbreak come in, and then a week or two later, all my other novels get bought too.

Second Tier Sorcery on Royal Road(the story that got that comment) has had 30k views, is in the top third for ranking, and is doing better in the ratings than most of the stories in the top 10.

It puts things into a certain perspective for me.



Well done, Rebecca. That is a testament to a lot of hard work along the way.


@NiveusLepus @MLClark @janallmac Libraries have 1000's of books because everyone wants to read something different. I even at one time found reading World book encyclopedias enthralling. Write for you there will be others who like it but never everyone.

@NiveusLepus @MLClark that comment is...well, he definitely illustrates those readers who insist on "hard" systems, whether you're talking science or magic.

I recently gave a copy of one of my books to someone who staffs tables at our writers' organization booths at events. He fixated on the tech and wanted me to explain it. Deep sigh. I told him it was a McGuffin and the details of the tech weren't the important piece. But he was *so* fixated on the tech, though he enjoyed the rest of it.


😬 Woof.

I imagine that you are holding your own as best you can, but those are definitely nicks to the heart every time we hear people in our vicinity say such things.

You are such a light, Becca.

You offer so much care to those around you, and I so sorely hope you feel that same care in your life in turn.

@MLClark I am very lucky, and I mean that honestly, to have people like you and my other Coso friends, understanding partners, all of that.

Life is not easy, but I’m not alone and I am finding ways to thrive, and live my purpose.

In that I am incredibly luckily. The negative comments always make me think. The world is a kaleidoscope of experience and perspective, many of which contrast our own, so it presents, at the very least, a moment of reflection. ^_^

@MLClark Thank you for your caring heart, and for all you share with me. You are a true friend that helps so much more than I think you may know.

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