
So, I swear I'm not on crack. I had a guava crop for years. But it's been at least 3 years since the tree has produced guava.

Well. What I have now are peaches. I didn't know I had a peach tree. Any arborealists out there? Can a guava tree start sprouting peaches?

@LiberalLibrarian Could it have been a graft of guava onto a peach stock? I know they do that with some fruits, but I always thought it was at least a similar fruit.

@sfleetucker Absolutely no idea. I know I haven't done any grafting. And this is the first time I've had peaches.

@LiberalLibrarian There is a practice where people splice different trees together to produce multiple types of fruit. Some people even perform geurilla arborism to put fruit bearing branches on non fruit trees in cities. It is strange.

I wanna say they're called fruit salad trees, but I'll see if I can find the actual term.

@LiberalLibrarian Indeed. But if we can transplant human parts to others, why not plants? It's remarkably easier with plants.

@LiberalLibrarian I'm no expert, but I know young branches of one tree can be spliced onto another, like the grafted tree in this link.

@Alora Oh, I know, but I've never grafted anything, and I've lived here for 13 years, and always had guava, never peaches. So, so odd.

Are there both guava leaves and peach leaves on the tree?

@LiberalLibrarian Are you sure it's the same tree and not another tree that's getting its branches intermingled with the guava? My yard is a mess and it can often be hard to tell what branch is coming from what.

@RationalLeft I will have to investigate. But, now I have peaches, and that's not a bad thing.

@LiberalLibrarian Peaches are nice. Nectarines are my personal favorite, but peaches are nice.

HEEY LL😊 I Use 2 Have a Grove Of Citrus Trees: Lemon And Oranges. Well After About 6 Years I Cut Open A "Lemon" And IT Had Orange Fruit. And I Said UH! OH! They Have Been "PROPAGATING" In That Grove πŸ˜‚

So I No Longer Called the Fruits LEMON And ORANGE.
I Just Called them


Any chance a bird left a peach pit in a hollow in the trunk of the guava and a peach tree rooted into into it?

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