Growing up I didn't think about it much, or I thought they were asking about languages.
But I filled out a profile for a medical survey from the USA the other day and it asked about ancestry and has European and Spanish as different options as if Spain isn't in Europe.
@LianaBrooks you know most Americans can’t locate all the states within the US, right? Asking them about other nations is just being setup for failure.
We had a President talk about “Nambia” after all.
@MookyTroubadour I'm remember in 6th grade taking Continent Quizzes where we had to label a map of each continent with countries and capitals. And I was in the state 49th in funding schools. So, yeah, this comes as a bit of a surprise. I thought we all got drilled in basic map labeling at some point.
If you're isolating Spain from Europe because of the African influence... why aren't you listing Portugal with Spain? Where Greece fall in this spectrum? Do you understand the trade history of the Mediterranean at all?