I expect her to recuse herself. There are significant pressures coming to bear.
@peeppeepcircus @sloudermilk @LnzyHou
I watched a video explaining how she was selected and why she has to recuse. If she doesn't remove herself the 11th circuit WILL. This is not her court, she is from Ft Pierce, a 3 hour drive away..
what about the timing? i saw some experts weigh in on the unfortunate timing, if she drags it out and this is not resolved before election time with all the appeals and other courts, would it just get delayed?
@LnzyHou @peeppeepcircus @KGinKS @sloudermilk
Thank you.
@peeppeepcircus @LnzyHou @KGinKS @sloudermilk
There are ways to drag it out that would be difficult to counter.
@peeppeepcircus @LnzyHou @KGinKS @sloudermilk
Florida Supreme Court has ruled on standard times for various sorts of trials there. Standard for a jury case in Florida federal court is 18 months, with extra time allowed for special circumstances.
this kind of info is why I'm cautiously paying attention.
remember when some of us thought that Mueller's investigation would save democracy?
@peeppeepcircus @LnzyHou @KGinKS @sloudermilk
Yes, but this seems very different. The indictment is scathing and was made public without going through Barr's pro-Trump filter first.
I feel Jack Smith has done a stellar job and even if Trump manages to drag it out after a guilty verdict with that self-pardon ridiculousness, there are New York & Georgia. No pardons happening there
and good point.
this feels like a massive showdown between Jack Smith's brilliance and shamelessly corrupt power. i think it will feel like watching a tennis ball go back and forth in a tennis match, at least in FL.
@peeppeepcircus @BrazenlyLiberal @KGinKS @sloudermilk
Akin to Russian chess vs Alabama checkers
@peeppeepcircus @BrazenlyLiberal @KGinKS @sloudermilk
I sure was duped.
Also, to give less validity to the BS Weaponization campaign the GOP has weaponized...
@LnzyHou @sloudermilk @peeppeepcircus @KGinKS Couldn't she just temporarily move to Florida for the trial's duration? Or, would that be illegal for her to do so?
@Kittiekatt53 @sloudermilk @peeppeepcircus @KGinKS
Who? Cannon lives in Ft Pierce FL
@LnzyHou @KGinKS @peeppeepcircus @sloudermilk They say she lives 3 hours from the courthouse. She could stay at a hotel. Just say'n.
@Kittiekatt53 @sloudermilk @peeppeepcircus @KGinKS
She lives in FL
@KGinKS @peeppeepcircus @sloudermilk
Same report I heard.
Circuit court will prevail. Every eventuality has been examined by Jack Smith. It will go better to have the case in FL opposed to DC from insurgence standpoint.