Chris boosted
Chris boosted


Hey CoSo--

Johns Hopkins University is offering free enrollment in their online Psychological First Aid course.

It is offered by Dr. Everly and highlights his RAPID psychological response model, which stands for “Reflective Listening”, “Assessment of Needs, “Prioritization”, “Intervention”, and “Disposition”.

This can help you help others...and maybe yourself.


Chris boosted
Chris boosted

Get ready... check your inventories make sure you have enough this next ‘wave’ will be longer and tougher. Our Government’s won’t enact States of Emergency- too damaging to their pocketbook. Be prepared for Social Safety Nets failing due to hijacked funding.

Chris boosted

Ours was connected to our Atari Pong...... Then our Atari 400, then the 800xl with built in basic.

I creak when I walk, so don’t talk to me about unwanted hair. If I had any left on my head I would be happier.

Finally got around to checking out ~ GOT is on there‼️ Thank you @th3j35t3r 🤗
No spoilers ;)

Chris boosted

This Day in Rock:

1963 - Monterey Festival
The first Monterey Folk Festival took place over three days in Monterey, California. The festival featured Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and Peter Paul and Mary. The 1967 Monterey Rock festival is remembered for the first major American appearances by Jimi Hendrix, The Who and Janis Joplin. It was also the first major performance by Otis Redding in front of a predominantly white audience.

Chris boosted

Anyone else ever feel like we’re all living in one of those stories that begin with “You are never going to believe this”?

Chris boosted
Chris boosted

She wouldn’t want me to cry
Look back or wonder why
So I won’t.

She would ask that I smile
And make it worthwhile
So I will.

So today I remember her
As a kind and gentle soul
Her strength and fortitude
To which I extol

Thinking of you, Mom 💜

Chris boosted

Periodic reminder it's now been OVER THREE MONTHS since the last school shooting in America!

*starts belligerently chanting "USA! USA! USA!"*

Chris boosted

Just signed up to pro! Hope it helps a little to keep them lights on x

Chris boosted
Chris boosted

per requestttt...

- chicken corn chowder, done in the instant pot. nothin' fancy.

ever-so-slightly modified from this corn chowder recipe, using homemade stock and a variety of cheeses:

Chris boosted

day is here again.

I made a slow simmered beef and cashew stew in a blackbean and garlic sauce.

Served on noodles (as my new rice cooker is not here yet.)

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