Heather Thomas
Most voters don't check their registration until the eve of an election.
Unfortunately, many Secretaries of State are hoping you'll do exactly that.
If you find your name Wrongfully Purged, simply reregister IMMEDIATELY.
@Jezibaba Get a mail in Ballot and Hand Carry it to Supervisor of Elections Office during Early Voting or on Election Day.
@VelvetDuchess that's how we do it!!
@Jezibaba 👏🇺🇸💪🌊💙💞
@Jezibaba If your state has early voting, do it! Avoid the crunch!
@Coctaanatis That's the MO around here.
George Takai
If you are turned away at the polls because your name is not on the register, don't walk away. Say this: I REQUEST A PROVISIONAL BALLOT AS REQUIRED BY LAW.
Don't let them steal your vote.
#politics #voting #election2024