Hello CoSo folks. The Vet seems to think that my pup is improving, and that he'll be fine in time. Thank you everyone for your support! ❤️

Otherwise just another day back to the grind.

I hope everyone is doing well. Or as well as can be said under the circumstances.

Daily memorial-

Auschwitz Memorial
· 45m

1 July 1927 | French Jewish girl Lea Behar was born in Mauberge.

In January 1944 she was deported from Drancy to . She did not survive.

Sorry for being so quiet and not here So I fam. Please know I am in full support of you all. Work was just particularly... Shitacular today, and my puppy (he's 14 years old, and I've had him since I was 17, when my dog/best friend that I had since I was 3 passed away) he's been perfectly healthy and of this evening he's suddenly doing really poorly and I'm scared and worried about him. Sorry.

Nooooooo the phone only has two minutes of life remaining. I shall return COSO. 😂

I have a sense that the bottom is going to be dropping out of the Dimbert market around year-end as well.

Buckle up, Scotty.

Dressed as a hillbilly, Sasha Baron Cohen infiltrated a rally being held by “The Washington State Three Percenters” - a right wing militia group — and took over the stage.


I'm contributing to Project 16803

This is the first COVID19 project from our lab. We are assembling the envelope protein, which is an ion channel important for viral function. Learning about how it forms can inform the design of molecules that will prevent proper assembly.

PSA - You know how on some URL's that get posted here and everywhere on the internet there's (for example) ?utm=blahblah or other shit hanging off the end of the link?

Well those are tracking parameters, often times allowing other site owners to track who's reading their content.

Well, I'm currently working on a way for COSO to automagically strip tracking parameters from all URL's posted on COSO.

So when you click a link here, you know it's been sanitized.


from Chad Pergram (FOX News)

Duckworth to Inhofe: I request that the..Armed Svces Cmte hold an open hearing..to examine..that…President Trump failed to authorize any action in response to (Russia)..covertly providing bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing U.S. servicemembers in Afghanistan.

@Beanc Thanks. Finally figured I should jump in and try to make some firends.


"We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave"

Sites like Parler & Gab really make me chuckle how they sucker Trump supporters into thinking they're all about protecting their '1A rights' - see thing is, no site or service can violate their 1A rights. Only the gov can do that & ya know who's head of the gov?



After 126 years, Mississippi will permanently remove its state flag that features the Confederate battle emblem. Republican Governor Tate Reeves said he will sign the bill.

It is astonishing how quickly things can change when there is a will to do so.

Good evening CoSo fam. I hope everyone is well! I'm having a political discussion with some... Right leaning family members... And it's painful

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