@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Cool, then we both love the prog rock of The Grand Wazoo.
@Bix @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Heh — YOU actually turned me on to that album…believe it or not. 😎
@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Trump cannot understand why Taylor Swift doesn't like him.
@Bix @InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I volunteer to explain it to him.
@CinnamonGirlE @Bix @InUnfunky @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Cool. You hold him down, I'll do the "talking". 😉
@JoyfullyDazed @Bix @InUnfunky @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
You got it girl.
@CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
"Thelma And Louise" gif HERE.
😮 🤓
(ducks from two directions)
@JoyfullyDazed @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Oh man, speaking of Massholes (and D.C. swamp denizens -- the director's dad prosecuted Ollie North)...
First I rolled my eyes, then I giggled. So I might have to see it. And of coahse, Fenway Paahk makes a wikkid smaht appeahance.
@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I definitely have to see this movie. It's like Dunkings on the big screen. 😂
@JoyfullyDazed @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
No J Lo, tho.
Depending on your preference, that's either a good thing or no. 😀
Imagining how the talk went --
"Hey kid, let's make a movie. Me n' yer bro will produce it. Liman ain't doin' nuthin.'"
Eh, we haven't had a good Boston gothic crime flick in a while.
@InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
J Lo can stay home with Ben.
I LOVE The Departed. 😊
@JoyfullyDazed @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Hey, where did the "Shining" clip go?
I just watched it; had forgotten what a tour de force of acting that scene was.
As for "Tha Depahted" -- well, you might put me back on the couch vis a vis my opinion of that one, lol.
@InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed @CinnamonGirlE @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
"The Shining" is a great movie.
It is interesting to see how much Stanley Kubrick changed the story from the book.
@Bix @InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Love SK. The Stand is the best book imo.
@CinnamonGirlE @InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Read every Stephen King book, then read the Dark Tower series. He ties The Stand and many books together.
Is the evil from The Stand (Randal Flagg) connected to other things in "Insomnia" & "The Shining?" Find out.
@Bix @InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Started reading "The Dark Tower series last year and have only made it to the second book so far. #1sons fav series, so he pushes me with it. It's good, but for me, less so than "The Stand". I love how he ties things together in his books. Read most of what he has written. He is a genius, no doubt.
@CinnamonGirlE @InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I have read a boatload of fantasy novels, The Dark Tower is my favorite.
The last 2 books have some of the best action that King has written, think of the action scenes in Thinner when the protagonist's mobster friend fights the gypsies, @peeppeepcircus
@CinnamonGirlE @InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
I have read a metric ton of murder mysteries, TY Lawrence Block. "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" is my favorite one. Clear your mind of the movie, because the #Comeuppance bites harder.
@Bix @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
Weren’t they combined as “Different Seasons”? 🤔
@InUnfunky @Bix @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
The first three stories from Different Seasons have been turned into movies.
Shawshank Redemption
Apt Pupil
Stand By Me (The Body, in story form)
A movie has never been done for the "Winter" story, The Breathing Method. I can sort of see why, with that one. Not sure it'd translate well to the big screen.
@Tarnagh @InUnfunky @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
The weakest story in my opinion, The Breathing Method.
The movie Apt Pupil didn't live up to book, IMO too.
@Bix @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
Just gonna ask about that one. Need to re-read it and watch the flick.
@InUnfunky @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
Read Apt Pupil, and think about the Nazi evil being transferred.
@Bix @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
I need to RE-READ it, Bixie Bixie Bo Bixie. I read it when the hardcover collection first came out -- '82?
@InUnfunky @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie @peeppeepcircus
Lucky, it has been so long, it will be like to you.
@Bix @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
i have a theory that no one but me has actually seen the Doctor Sleep movie.
@peeppeepcircus @Bix @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Doctor Sleep movie. I wasn't a big fan of the book, but I'll watch the movie on a loop...lol.
@JoyfullyDazed @peeppeepcircus @Bix @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I love the movie. I haven't read the book this time.
@CinnamonGirlE @peeppeepcircus @Bix @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
In this case, the movie was better than the book, in my opinion. The part with the baseball kid was hard to watch, though. I read that the actors struggled with the scene, especially Rebecca Ferguson (Rose The Hat). After they finally got through it, the kid jumped up laughing. 😂
@JoyfullyDazed @CinnamonGirlE @peeppeepcircus @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
The only SK movie that I like better than the book:
@Bix @JoyfullyDazed @CinnamonGirlE @peeppeepcircus @Tarnagh @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Where do we rank Cronenberg’s “Dead Zone”? What about Frank Darabont’s “The Mist”?
@InUnfunky @Bix @CinnamonGirlE @peeppeepcircus @Tarnagh @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
It's been a long time since I've seen them. The Mist didn't leave much of an impression. Dead Zone...I feel like we're living in the movie. Evil politicians and such.
@CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Bix @Tarnagh @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Dead Zone, like Idiocracy, was prophecy.
@peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
If only what caused that guy to lose voter support at the end of the movie (and book) would be enough to finally turn MAGAts off.
Vague because after all these years I'm not sure how much of a spoiler it would be to say it straight out.
@JoyfullyDazed @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Re this topic (ex. no. ??? in a continuing series about the Trumpist encultification of the GOP) Bump has the latest and it’s just as fucked up as one might suspect (it’s getting harder to read this stuff and be surprised, urgh). Howevs, Bump asserts that “the right didn’t change Trump. Trump changed the right.” I disagree, but 🤷🏻♂️
@Bix @JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @Bobk37 @evamarie @LnzyHou
Why the binary choice? What about a squirrel with a brain worm?
@JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Absolutely… even more so that some people have said “why vote, it doesn’t matter anyway” 🫣 BTW, in the realm of crazy town … #SCROTUS just reversed the ban on bump stocks saying they’re not machine guns!
@CinnamonGirlE @j0n @JoyfullyDazed @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Sometimes a sigh both all that’s merited and all we can do. The reactionary stupid is overwhelming and constant critique of same that leads to no changed hearts and minds is pointless…almost. So <sigh> indeed. And sometimes one of these — 🙄
@InUnfunky @j0n @JoyfullyDazed @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Sometimes when I read these things, a sigh is all I can give. I just can't fathom the idiocy.
@j0n @JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
SCOTUS is making it so I never want to go to another outdoor concert.
A machine gun for everyone.
@Bix @j0n @JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire
@CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I refuse to let it stop me from living my life, but at this point we have to consider the possibility every time we leave our house.
@j0n @JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
This is why we need to Vote not against a candidate but for the candidate that will stand with us and for the issues that matter to us. & we have to get involved Volunteerism is a civic duty! Back a local candidate or your states Democtic party. Google it. Heres mine CaDem
Show up for an event.
@JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
Please consider volunteering to a campaign or the Democrats. I do what's possible & convenient for me phone banking & canvassing I just had back surgery but I canvassed 2 days before & will probably phone bank until I can canvass. I can't sit & wait
We got our candidate on the ballot in a very red district in California. It's imperative we unseat the Republican
@JoyfullyDazed @InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie November can't get here fast enough.
@InUnfunky @Tarnagh @peeppeepcircus @CinnamonGirlE @Bix @codeWhisperer @UmbaSaffire @CanisPundit @Bobk37 @evamarie
I don't know what to think anymore, so I'm just waiting for November to get here
The way Republicans talk, saying the craziest things out loud, seems like they're absolutely certain they'll win. It's as if they're not worried at all about repercussions. I find it unsettling.