
Happy ! Up since 4:30 👂 to scanner, and, sipping coffee, while listening to drunk neighbors up the street who've been partying all dern night b....

Pardon. Had to stop mid-post; as I walked onto porch, ☕ in hand, heard a gunshot, a man yelling "Put the gun down!" and a woman laughing hysterically.

Sitting in house listening instead. Seems to be the wisest option 😜 No cops'll come; too busy at the ⛽ station further up the street that's being robbed🤦‍♀️


You haven't been around for a while. I'm glad to see you.

Er. Exciting morning. I agree that inside the house is a good call right now.

@Gramdma2011 Although, I think this is on me that I missed your posts. Sorry about that. Good to see you either way!

@janallmac I've missed lots & lots & LOTS of posts 🤣, so no worries Glad to see you as well❣️

@janallmac As usual I can't wake up/go to 💤 w/o some drama! Sometimes unbelievable & funny stuff that if we hadn't seen it ourselves🤷‍♀️, sometimes dramatic scary stuff. If not here, then wherever I go it seems!

We sat at store once🤔 actually same one robbed awhile ago... eating chicken in the truck and a team of SWAT, 🚓, 🔥, and, 🚑 swarmed in and surrounded a nearby car. Hubs freaked because😶tags/insurance out(only drive a couple of blocks & rarely)

Can't beat dinner & a live show I say!😅

I related to all of that. At least it's never boring.

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