🤔Let's see if this is a good💡or not:
Should we start a #cosoegghunt for people we know are usually active, but don't see? A place for checking to see if someone who knows the person may know by private DM, unseen toot, or in real life, that the Cosonaut's ok/not? I see that question on here quite often, even about me🤗Thoughts?
@Gramdma2011 I guess the downside would be if someone wasn't active there really isn't anything anyone could do about it other than worry... 🤔
@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine 👍I'm talking about the ones who are usually active, esp. during major news, who disappear for more than a day or two. Using myself as an example, I usually have something to say about everything 😁Before my📱service was to be cut, I knew I'd be offline a week or two & tooted it out. When I returned, I saw some musing as to where I was. One said they thought they saw a toot about it, wasn't sure. So, what I'm yakking about now is a sorta centralized? place for this.
@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine 🤔I like the 'down for maintenance' button idea!💙Oh, Easter egg hunt...no, I meant because we're all 'eggs' here; nothing to do with Easter...just looking for CoSo 'eggs'🤣
And I see your point about worrying...that's how this idea formed; ugh!🤷♀️
@Gramdma2011 the egg part went completely over my head! Lol 🐣