Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing to do outdoors?
Sit somewhere cool an' green an' shady, and just watch and listen.
@GaryPoole go back indoors.
😂 👍
kindred Cosonaut
@GaryPoole long distance biking, preferably in a forest preserve. And you?
Flea markets, garage sales, food trucks, and watching my dogs play at the dog park.
Perfect summer 🍓
Walk while it’s snowing.
There is absolutely nothing I would voluntarily do outside when it’s over 70°.
@Anouk @GaryPoole This!
@GaryPoole . I might be arrested if I answered this.
@GaryPoole No sense living in the past. It will be this in August at a friend's camp on Skaneateles lake. Here's the town pier.
@MidnightRider Looks wonderful!
@GaryPoole Regarded as the second cleanest in the United States, he drinks right out of it.
@GaryPoole I liked a nice long walk through the hills and fields. Also ice cream on the beach.
@GaryPoole Hiking, if it isn't too hot or too cold.
To answer my own question: pretty much anything on the water.