Why did the Super Bowl have to go to overtime? Don’t they understand there are people like me that get up at way too early in the morning? I guess that’s why caffeine was invented.
@GaryPoole In the days of yore, the days of vibrating tin home football games it was on at like noon. Now it's a spectacle. Eight hours of human interest stories of dubious connection. Little Fred, a third cousin of Mahomes on his mom's ex-husband's side of the family has the following ailment: ______. It' a sad NFL Hallmark moment folks. Now fire up those jets and let's get er' done.
@GaryPoole between pre-game analyses, commercials, events and the actual game... How much of your life did you spend on what is typically 11 minutes of gametime action?
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN @GaryPoole Tuned in after the " let's have coffee" coin toss. They even figured out a way to make that tedious. "Let me describe the coin surfaces".
Move West, we were done at 9...