New issue of Renderpedia.
Revelations: What We Learned This Week
Houthis have hostages, the Indo-Pacific have no carriers, and foreign influence is influencing our influencers.
this is a great meme, of course it wouldn't exist if #journalism wasn't slumbering so much on the job and just doing minimal effort both-sidesism instead of actual reporting.
@Render @corlin @peeppeepcircus And elections aren't only about politics. You have to report on the governing that has been done and the governing that needs to be done or you haven't done the job. You can't report on political POVs and omit reporting on the candidates' ability to govern or you're servicing politics and ignoring government. The whole point of the press clause of the 1st amendment is to provide for reporting to the people about the government, pointless if they refuse to do so