@Wolfman I agree...I am not sure how we combat greed and the lust for power...it seems hardwired in far too many of us
@EdgeOErin @Wolfman I shit you not, but I think you'd be wonderful if we just got rid of currency altogether. Working together and barter systems actually would be really beneficial for everybody. Basing our currency value or economy off of gold or silver values isn't really doing it for us anymore. That would actually break our current system if we did convert to something like that. I know that services and values are always going to be different based on personal perceptions. But it worked.
@PaganMother @Wolfman I'm totally down with the barter system, zero growth, and a more community way of living
@EdgeOErin @PaganMother The Dakota Nation has been fighting the DAPL pipeline for several years. They don't want it on their land and they don't want it under their water source. But, greed trumps law. The Nation may be fighting this war for years to come.
@Wolfman @EdgeOErin I don't blame them at all, I never understood why pipelines are even necessary. We shouldn't even be pulling oil from our earth, not with what it does to our climate. There has to be a better way.
@PaganMother @Wolfman Sadly, our entire civilization is built around oil and plastics. It's messed up. Take it away, and we are nothing...though I am okay being a zero just making it by
@EdgeOErin @Wolfman I was talking to someone else about turning recycled plastics into bricks and actually using them for paving paths and house siding, and you know we came to the conclusion that if this was an affordable way of actually recycling the materials, we would have like hundreds of people getting houses easily because the materials are right there.
@PaganMother @Wolfman Great idea. I think the ideas and tech have been there, but there has been a collective lack of will. It's too easy for the fat cats to get rich off of oil
@EdgeOErin @Wolfman basically yeah, there's a fellow that actually has a machine that can turn plastics into raw fuel, mineral oil no less. Less. And it's not that big of a machine either, it's about the size of a I would say refrigerator?
@PaganMother @Wolfman Awesome. I suspect there have been many such inventions bought out and shitcanned by the powers that be. But, maybe it will change
@EdgeOErin @Wolfman I hope so.
@PaganMother @EdgeOErin @Wolfman
Not a good idea, plastics originate as fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases from cradle to grave. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2019/08/how-plastics-contribute-to-climate-change/
@Wolfman @PaganMother I am with you! I don't think it will be built. Thank you for putting boots-to-ground and fighting against it!
@Wolfman @EdgeOErin @PaganMother I'm afraid you could be right.
@Wolfman @EdgeOErin Our history keeps repeating itself, we have not learned anything. We would do the same damage to another planet.
@Resister_Grandma @Wolfman That is also my view. In between the lines, the book illustrates the human condition
@Resister_Grandma @Wolfman I see you live in Norway! Awesome! I have a friend named Karoline that joined here and she is an artist from Norway. She loved my book, Odin's Tillit, which has embedded Norse mythology (the book is a thriller)
@EdgeOErin @Wolfman I'm an American expat living in Norway. 😊
@Resister_Grandma @Wolfman I hope you are enjoying it. I would LOVE to visit Norway...it is on my bucket list
@EdgeOErin oooh, sounds good!
@Pohutukawa Thank you! :)
@EdgeOErin If humanity can understand what we have done to this planet, what suggests that they would do anything different with another planet? Greed is what has led to the corruption of this planet, as long as the mega wealthy are in charge of developing the next planet, how exactly does that change things?