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Incrementally, I'm going to post sightlier crazier and nonsensical posts [even worse than normal] just so when I totally lose my faculties, nobody will know the difference.

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The biosphere is dying.
Civilization is collapsing.
But there is hope!

Charlie Kehler and his team are successfully accelerating the seeding of life on Nova Terra. Humanity has a second chance. What will it make of it?

For this , think meets

I bet on myself.
It hasn't worked out.
But I do still believe in me.

There's a spear of reed and the upper portion of its stem is bent sharply down. Still, its broken limb appears vibrant, arcing - pendulum like - as if a foreleg of a praying mantis sampling the terrain ahead.
The reed isn't giving up.
We're all reeds looking for our next step.

A self-imposed limerick challenge, using the word prompt of 'ken' ('ken' refers to one's range of knowledge or understanding).

In the depths of the wild, mighty glen,
Lived a scholar apart from all men.
With knowledge his ken,
He found peace now and then,
And his wisdom grew boundless again.

My girlfriend broke up with me.
I was so shocked that her mea culpa might as well have been in Latin.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but it feels like it takes more energy to hate than it does to love.

Is it just me, or do you find it ironic that an adulterous dick is being brought down by a pecker?

Yay, I sold 10 copies of my 5 books today!

Honestly, I'm just ten shy of that, but I'm optimistic the evening is the charm.

Yay, I sold 10 copies of my 5 📚today!

Honestly, I'm just ten shy of that, but I'm optimistic the evening is the charm.

Good evening to you and yours from my home in the Appalachian woods of Nova Scotia.

After many years of hard work, I finally produced something that is truly a fruit AND a vegetable!
Unfortunately, I'm sad to report little support for my meloncauliflower.

My neighbour is half-a-bubble off plumb.
Yesterday I saw him smashing hatchets with a splitting maul.
I'll never understand axe murderers.

I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're troubled that you may have alienated someone, while still being respectful and honoring your authentic self, you're free to let those negative emotions - and perhaps that individual - ebb away.
No reward points for guilt trips.

As a gardener, I rather hope I have horseshit luck.

In 20 years, I will be no more.
In 50, unremembered.
But in a century or two, a copy of Terraform Charlie will emerge, and people will know I lived and that my life had purpose.

When you have asthma, the notion that we are born of star dust is less appealing.

If you really and truly need a stiff drink, the glass is redundant.

In the Middle Ages, the SPCA must've outraged at the indiscriminate use of catapults.

In an alternate universe, AutoCorrect works in a brothel that caters to Grammar Police.

Not mentioning any names, but a certain someone I know would be thrilled to have you read one of their books today.

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Edge O. Erin

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