Went to humane society yesterday to take the donations for my moms funeral that we requested instead of flowers. They have a brick you can purchase with the loved ones name on it. My mom was a lover of animals.
Anyways, while there I saw a puppers that looked at me and it looked like it was asking me to take it. I cant stop thinking about her but the hubs would have a fit if I got her. We have 2 puppers now but one is getting on... How to resist?
@Bemet_Or I know, doesnt she look sweet? Shes only 2 and would be a good friend to my newest puppers who is 1-1/2.
@Desmblake yes.. she has a nice look in her eyes.
@Desmblake @Bemet_Or The pairing would be joyous, and also provide an amusing boost to your older one.
@Desmblake @Bemet_Or I'm gonna pipe in here...I say if you can afford another pup, you have the room and the time, go for it! When you adopt you save 2. The one you take makes room for another 🐾
@Desmblake @Bemet_Or work your magic with the hubs😁👍
@Desmblake @Bemet_Or whatever works, right? 😉
@Desmblake Don't resist. Just love 😍
@Desmblake Personally I think it's a sign - finding this one when you're doing something for your Mom. If it were me, I'd always be thinking "What if she sent it (him/her?)" Plus if one of yours is getting on a little, another will help with any transition when the time comes.
Good luck with whatever you choose. And post more pics when you get your new friend 🐶
@BillyBones I submitted my request for her. It was your lovely words Billy that did it. There had to be a reason why she touched me. *crossing fingers now*
@Desmblake Awwww, I'm truly flattered! I really hope this works out for you all ❤️
@Desmblake (and sorry, reading your post back, I saw that you mentioned 'her' and I somehow missed that 👍 Again, good luck and keep us posted!!)
@Desmblake That pup is a cutie!
@Desmblake impossible to resist.