Went to humane society yesterday to take the donations for my moms funeral that we requested instead of flowers. They have a brick you can purchase with the loved ones name on it. My mom was a lover of animals.
Anyways, while there I saw a puppers that looked at me and it looked like it was asking me to take it. I cant stop thinking about her but the hubs would have a fit if I got her. We have 2 puppers now but one is getting on... How to resist?
@BillyBones I submitted my request for her. It was your lovely words Billy that did it. There had to be a reason why she touched me. *crossing fingers now*
@Desmblake (and sorry, reading your post back, I saw that you mentioned 'her' and I somehow missed that 👍 Again, good luck and keep us posted!!)
@Desmblake Awwww, I'm truly flattered! I really hope this works out for you all ❤️