@Graci She'll turn it into the "Dept of Anti Woke Bullshittery."
@ColtSTaylor Yeah but it won't matter if they eliminate it! (they're all such idiots)
@ColtSTaylor WTF but also not shocked 😔
@ColtSTaylor Jumping Jehosophat! Say it ain't so! 😂 🤢
Failing up should be the gop mantra. FFS
@ColtSTaylor there already is one. Teaching will be outsourced like we are already doing with subs in my county. You won't even need a teaching degree in a few years - they'll be taking any warm bodies off the street to supervise while the curriculum is all online.
@ColtSTaylor WTAF?
@ColtSTaylor There is already an IQ shortage
@ColtSTaylor Could be good. She gets SoE and then they eliminate DoE and, in turn, her job