@Coffee_and_Salt Hot peanut butter fudge!
@Coffee_and_Salt Chicken wing!
@Fiikus_goddess they’re about the same size! 😂
@Coffee_and_Salt 😂 Perfect for me then, since walkies are once around the living room type of deal.
@Fiikus_goddess right? One time round the room and that doggo would be ready for a snug and a snooze.
@Coffee_and_Salt Even my miniature backyard would be big enough for that fella.
Pirogi. Cheese pirogi.
@Agatha well now I want pirogis. Wait it the plural pirogis or pirogii?
Good question. I've only made Russian piroshki/pirozhki, so we usually just say piro for plural or singular. 🤔
I must google.
If Polish, pierogi is plural for pieróg.
I got mine from a box, and I spelled them wrong. 😂
(I don't get piro from a box though. That's only homemade. 😋)
@Coffee_and_Salt Wasabi
@Myaheadhurtz2 oh the green fire!
@Coffee_and_Salt Potsticker. Hey, that works!
@Coffee_and_Salt 💜