@Bix SBA grants for church startups and public flogging for sinners.
@Madken65 @CanisPundit @Bix And Mary wouldn't have to done all that explaining to Joseph. "I swear we didn't go to the pub on Ladies Night!"
And hopefully, when they were there on Ladies Night, Kool and the Gang weren't singing "Get down on it"
@Madken65 @EdgeOErin @Bix the ancient Hebrew word "almah" (עַלְמָה) generally means a "young woman" of marriageable age, without explicitly indicating virginity. So the supernatural semen story doesn’t hold holy water. 🎶 oh yes it’s ladies night, oh what a night!
@catlynne333 I’ve managed to successfully use my version of “I am the the light and the way” without getting hit. Maybe it’s the messenger and not the message? 😉😁