I have a climate space at 11am est. People from 47 countries join to report what's happening. All continents excep Antarctica.
After a couple months on these calls I am telling you that Africans, Asians, and everyone impacted by climate and or colonization. Including indigenous people WANT RESTITUTION FOR THE DAMAGE.
which is extensive.
TRUTH - there is a media blackout on climate. I'm here to say it's a lot fucking worse then the little bits that slip into the news.
@ucantstop_me please share what you learn and links.
@CanisPundit I will. We record our sessions (seems like many are too shy to join lol) so I post likes of those too.
Its important the right messaging gets out. The biggest problem when the publish there data, it's not comsumable/readable for most non science people. I working on that type of messaging
That includes how virulence and morbidity change with mutations, expectations for vaccine protection, mitigation for contracting or spreading Covid, mild or no symptoms can be clinically significant later, and so on.
Of course having the Trumpian minimization and spreading of malformation and misinformation echos still.
The quality of communication shapes outcomes.