Can someone dumb down Mastadon for me? I'd say "explain it to me like I'm 8," but as tech savvy as kids are I'd bet they already understand it. There's some folks I want to keep up with over there.

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I'm old enough to remember a time when politicians had to campaign on actual ideas and policies.

And voters had to listen to them to determine which politician most closely aligned with what they wanted.

Could we get back to that, please?

And if the GOP *doesn't* take the House, well, this will make "Lord of the Flies" look like a summer outing.

88% of evangelical Christians voted for Herschel Walker, not Warnock, the candidate who has devoted his adult life to Jesus Christ. Let that sink in.

Please don't write off whole states based on election results. Most of these states are extremely gerrymandered or have voter suppression, or both. Those people fighting hard to flip those states deserve our support, not ridicule.
Most people can't just leave.

Lauren Boebert going down harder than Donald Trump on the Mar a Lago waffle station.
- Rick Wilson

Fetterman win is good for countless reasons but I will be mad forever that his need for accommodations had people clutching pearls and, worse, mocking him. FTS.

Indictment season better fucking start tomorrow

Women's suffrage took place a century ago so that women could be apathetic in Texas today and continue to allow a bunch of old white dudes tell us what we can do with our bodies.

Gonna borrow this from J-


i pushed the narrative of ignoring the polls and just vote.

When this is all over, I need Dems to put the same energy into calling out the GOP and holding them accountable as they did for all those fundraising emails and texts.

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