Brett boosted

@BxSk1nn3r It affects more families than people realize.

I thank you on behalf of my son.

Good morning ,

Today, know that is about awareness, understanding and acceptance of everyone with , everywhere along the spectrum. Seek out, listen to and understand the stories of family members, friends, and most importantly, those individuals who have themselves and are able to verbalize their story. Today I for them.

Happy Easter to all those celebrating, happy Sunday to all those not. Even if you don't believe Jesus is the son of God, or in religion at all, we have all been inspired by things we consider fiction. Thus, it is hard not to be inspired by the story of a man who risked it all because he believed in justice and peace over all. Have a great day!

Good morning

Question: who have you met on here who either inspired you to be better, or that you would like to start a company with to fix a problem?

Brett boosted

@BxSk1nn3r One time a trainer yelled at me for eating a payday bar for breakfast, He also owned the gym. I finished the workout and never went back. No one needs that kind of negativity in the morning.

Good morning . As you start your day, consider the events that provoke responses from you, and think about whether those responses are destructive or constructive and what reinforces those responses. To change the response, sometimes you have to change either what provokes it (antecedants) or what maintains it (consequences). This might mean eliminating people or things from your life OR adding people and things to your life. Lots to think about!

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Early Facebook investor @Moonalice: "Facebook wasn’t hacked...the Russians used tools that were created for advertisers and they used them exactly the way they were meant to be [used]. It’s just that there was nobody was guarding the henhouse.”

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Brett boosted

This is going to be a long thread. :)

1/I'm a psych major (M.S.) who studied Skinner during his heyday. I know his work pretty well. He worked out the details of operant conditioning, extinction, reinforcement schedules, building complex behavior from chains of simple conditioned responses, etc. Low-level conditioning like this was the kind of learning Eric Kandel studied when he discovered that memory is stored by prion-like proteins & won the Nobel Prize. It's real.

Good morning !! I was prompted by a conversation on here to return to some good reading. Thought I'd share. Interested in thoughts on this!

Brett boosted


I must confess Skinner's work can be, and has been improved upon inside of Behavior Analysis. But his work has been very influential to me, whereas Chomsky is more the showman and it is hard for me to take him seriously on many issues with his purposely combative style. Read the article above when you have time. I think it illustrates my perspective in greater detail and citation.

Brett boosted

@BxSk1nn3r this place is full of social engineers. So... yes, there are definitely people interested in behavioral science here.

True or not, this event on is one of the most embarrassing moments in American History

Low effort is such a common maintaining variable in how we behave, that it is easy to manipulate people with low effort rewards at the expense of high quality. has provided a low effort way of being a part of a connective platform, while maintaining high quality. So long as that remains the case, this will continue to be higher quality platform than or . They sacrificed quality for quantity and then spiraled.

Anyone here interested in Behavior science and the technology of ABA???

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