The only word that fits for me right now is outraged. Nothing positive to contribute right now. Will be back when I can.✌️

There are no words that mean
Outraged enough
Angry enough
Sad enough
Heartbroken enough
🙏🙏🙏that this time something is done

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Brian Tyler Cohen wrote:

'Every single House Republican just voted against a bill to make price gouging at the gas pump illegal.'

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Hey you yeah you reading this have a great Thursday

Loved one early 40s in a different state went to ER with severe chest pain.Sent home blood test, chest X-ray nitro etc ok. Vaccinated and one boost. Loved one immunocompromised It turned out to be Covid based on home test.(ER didn’t test for Covid )Now taking antibodies through IV
Thank God it is available.Stay aware. Covid is still a thing.Didn’t know chest pain a symptom of Covid.

BR🇺🇦 boosted

I can’t find the person that posted this earlier. It was very helpful, so thank you. Firehose moves fast😊

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BR🇺🇦 boosted
BR🇺🇦 boosted

There's a certain weight off my shoulders...

Congratulations to John Fetterman
Good riddance to

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“Analyzing all of Musk's nearly 100 million followers, they found that 73% have spam-correlated keywords on their profiles and that 71% use locations that don't match any known place name.

And 41% of these accounts use display names that match spam patterns, they said. Notably, 69% have also been inactive for more than 120 days, the groups added.

More than 23% of Elon Musk's Twitter followers are spam or fake accounts”

Good morning CoSo. Several cups of coffee and this. Life is good✌️🌻🇺🇦😊🌸🌼

Most of my favorite music and musicians were from the 60s and 70s but....and I love the story behind the song

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So, my wife is at Cedars-Sinai waiting to get prepped for surgery. I left her there and returned home. On my way down La Cienega I saw a Jewish school getting ready for the day. I've driven past that school uncounted times. Today I noticed something I never had: 3 armed guards. That we've descended to his is heartbreaking.

I have no words that can adequately describe my shock and horror about another massacre that is Buffalo

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Good night CoSo. Time is tight because I’m putting in my vegetable garden. Have a beautiful weekend ✌️🌻🇺🇦🥬🍅🌶🌸🌼

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Have a peaceful evening CoSo
Lots of gardening today..whew Trying good bacteria in koi pond Will post opinion tomorrow#gardening ✌️🌻🇺🇦

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