At the risk of running afoul of @Shelter (I kid) I never really gave any thought about anyone's race or sex that I've met here. I honestly don't care and have no say in the matter in any case.
But then again, I'm a white male. There's an awful lot of social privelege in that.
As for all the fuss about @Shelter's posts, why all you so upset? Have any people of color disputed it? Have any commented at all? Isn't that kind of the point?
Ya what she said
@Animeraider @Shelter I'm not sure what the "people of color" had to say, because they peaced out of all that, and yes, I think that speaks to the point quite well.
If they see fit to return, I'm interested in what they have to say about it all.
@Animeraider fragility. to hear terms like racism, privilege, bigotry can be so loaded.
the immediate response is defensiveness. i do this work on a daily basis & even when i've been called on a bias or a blind spot, my immediate instinct is defensiveness. i've had to learn to stfu, take away what's been said, & sort out 1) where that defensiveness comes from 2) what did i miss about my own shit & 3) reflect on how i could be doing better & work to learn. it's uncomfortable & hard.
You're not going to run afoul of me right now unless you continue to keep me awake.
Because I don't sleep well.
And it sucks.
But fistbump for the understanding!