Will you enable the far right to rule America, or will your vigilance preserve democracy?
@joyannreid My wife loved how you handled Byron. I'd like to see him answer the first question he's asked.He never does. Please hoid his mouth to the fire on that Gosar question and don't let this confrontational farce move on until he answers question1.
Republicans think concessions gained from McCarthy was a Magna Carta moment. If so, beware history repeating itself.
@1Firewire Unfortunately, the smallest minority is about to have control over the congress.
@MidnightRider LOL
@MidnightRider True, but no comparison these days.
@MidnightRider Today's Republicans, unfortunately, like those in the McCarthy era are special.
How dumb is Tusi Gabbard? She's asking a Republican this question?
@RationalLeft That's me.
Republicans in Action
Michele Fiore, who does not have a law degree, will fill a seat on the Pahrump Justice Court in Nye County through 2024. (Apparently she does not have a college degree).
@JBro I am guessing that carbon neutral fuel is hydrogen.
"The assault on Democrats has to be fought with a scale and savagery that is only true of Civil Wars." Newt Gingrich
It's time we fought back. Trump is our Gettysburg. Take no prisoners. Actually, put them all in prison. @joyannreid
Republicans fighting like school age children. Who is surprised?
@Sekhapada Laughter is the best medicine
@Sekhapada You have a great sense of humor.
@Sekhapada @PaigeK OUCH! Sounds painful and unpleasant. Hope you are doing better now.
I think, therefore I am not a Trumper
Retired History Teacher
Happily Married
Dogs are better than people