For anyone who wants to watch the Newsome / DeSantis debate and avoid the Fox news sign-up crap, Brian Tyler Cohen is livestreaming it on his YouTube Channel:
Why did they debate?
@LnzyHou @TheAbbotTrithemius Because Icarus Desantis is flapping melting wings and he's desperate not to fall from the political sky he was never meant to traverse. Ron believes being heralded in a bent state is a referendum on his national popularity, but it's not.
@MidnightRider nails it. It was a dumb and desperate move by DeSantis who needs to prove how tough he is against the 'libruls" and in true bully fashion needed to do it on hometurf with Uncle Hannity there to quickly step in when he was getting too fucked up by Newsom.
It was the wrong move. Both he and Hannity came out looking like goons.
Newsom was just like "I can do this all day and do it on FOX News w/ MAGA Hannity moderating" Huge cajones...
@LnzyHou @TheAbbotTrithemius I don't think Biden is going to have the chops to win, we all better strap in things are going to get even nuttier.
I'll have to disagree with that, I think he more than has the chops and proven again and again he's got the cajones to take on Trump.
@TheAbbotTrithemius @LnzyHou I hope you're right.
@LnzyHou @MidnightRider @TheAbbotTrithemius Yes, and you recognize it. Hopefully it makes you push harder, produce better. Doubt produces better in every category, than arrogance.