And those of us the left cannot foster one boycott against any company supporting Trump, MTG, Boebert etc. Shame on us. @joyannreid Where is the Black, Jewish, Rainbow coalition?
@zacnewman @joyannreid post a list here if you have one of companies supporting GQP actors.
@DavidKMresists @zacnewman @joyannreid let’s start with what FOX had to say about it last November.
@NorCalCherylLyn @zacnewman @joyannreid Thank you for the lists!
@DavidKMresists @zacnewman @joyannreid you’re welcome! I was curious too.
@zacnewman @joyannreid so drink corona, and be proud.
@zacnewman @joyannreid Just in case anyone wondered, Anheuser-Busch doesn't care if Kid Rock drinks or shoots at their product - only that he buys it.
In other news Anheuser-Busch is considering printing targets on its Bud light cases to make it easier and hopefully safer for those participating in the newest redneck hobby.😉