@Oh_Katy @Museek @NanaWithSoul and you to me πŸ₯‚ would make me sad to lose your presence here too

@Oh_Katy @Museek @NanaWithSoul I don't know what it is, Katy. I admire your wit and intelligence. Some men see those qualities and they only see a women who needs to know her place and they flip out. The definition of toxic masculinity is β€” in some waysβ€” insecure men.

@Oh_Katy @Museek @NanaWithSoul I don't have evidence, but I think it's because you're a confident woman. Some men just do not like that. It's pathetic, but they're neanderthals.

@joycereynoldsward exactly. We can consume headlines in 15 minutes. I think the 24/7 creates it's own problem by being well...24/7 πŸ˜†

@ContentWarningVirusB42 I want to define news as factual nformation without opinion, but these news outlets treat it like team sports and reconstruct narratives to help their team score

Maybe one way to fix "news" is get rid of opinion hosts altogether. I know straight news isn't the dopamine hit people crave, but maybe information consumption shouldn't tap into the sugar rush of identity. We have art, music, and sports for that. πŸ€”

@SeanRFrazier after you come and edit this thing for me, I'll be great πŸ˜…

Happy Saturday, CoSo. Hope yours is filled with stuff and people that you like.

@authormbdavis @Oh_Katy I want what he's having. I'm cutting back in IPAs because I drink them like water πŸ˜… so many cals

@Oh_Katy @diannasaurusr3x I don't think they'll die. There be readers here for sure

@SeanRFrazier I need to restart that game. I got like 30% in and got distracted. I want to play the new one on PS5 and the completionist in me demands I finish the first one first πŸ˜†

@Oh_Katy @diannasaurusr3x I think it's because Twitter and places like it are mostly reading, so if you're a decent writer and run engaging feeds, you move books without heavy ads. It's also why I like these platforms best. I can use words, wit, and the people who get it are...reading...so readers πŸ˜†

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chad ryan

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