
Maybe one way to fix "news" is get rid of opinion hosts altogether. I know straight news isn't the dopamine hit people crave, but maybe information consumption shouldn't tap into the sugar rush of identity. We have art, music, and sports for that. 🤔

@writingiswar I’m of the same mind about opinion hosts. Heck, I’d like to go away from 24/7 news channels. All that happens is that the same stories get repeated over and over, with different talking heads passing on the same talking points.

It’s sufficiently repetitive to make an impact on the watcher, and engrave those same talking points on their brains so that they go out and spread ‘em on social media.

@joycereynoldsward exactly. We can consume headlines in 15 minutes. I think the 24/7 creates it's own problem by being well...24/7 😆

@writingiswar Especially when it is on everywhere. I noticed a hardening of attitudes in the ‘90s when all of a sudden every contractor out there was listening to right-wing talk radio while working. Now…well, TV news offers the same function in a lot of public workplace areas.

@writingiswar now, well, we’re dealing with a lot of the fallout from the insistence that we need to be up with the latest news, all the time. I think 9/11 was a huge factor in this desire for news—though there were plenty of other breaking news events that ended up with breathless news coverage on TV.

Been feeling this for a while, I want the news not the if, but, could, would, etc. Just wastes our time and makes us anxious.

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