I hate it when my in-office schedule coincides with my nemesis’s.

Looks like Elmo pushed another button. Gird you loins, get out the good biscuits, we’ve got incoming.

I’ve got the Malcolm in the Middle theme song stuck in my head and I’m actually ok with that.

It’s weird how everything can be fine, but then one little totally inconsequential thing that doesn’t involve me can totally torpedo my brain.

It’s nice when genetic tests backup observations. Turns out I’m part lemur.

It’s weird how my blood pressure spikes on days when I’m in the office. A total coincidence I’m sure.

Final Jeopardy subject - Classical Music

Yeah, that’s a hard pass.

Sorta half-watched an episode of a Netflix doc on American Gladiators. Great googly moogly. The 90’s were a problematic time.

Sigh. Broke down and turned on the AC for the first time this year.

Ah the fun of getting old. Sending blood pressure updates to your doctor over the portal.

Wow. Hardcore porn videos on the firehose. That’s new.

Making egg fried rice and T-bone steaks for dinner. What? It’s a fine combination. Also using brown rice for the healthies.

FYI. If you schedule twits or replies one or two minutes into the future you can post.

I’m guessing Mr. Fragile didn’t like having his company’s dirty laundry aired out in front of Congress and in a snit pitched a twit fit.

Looks like someone pushed the wrong button over on Evil Bird Site.

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Pete πŸš«πŸ‘–πŸ¦†

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