@GrumpyWolf Be careful! I hope things stay safe and let up for you soon.
@corlin So much truth in this. I like the magic in little moments every day. There's no guarantee I'd live long enough to see them all saved up to one big event.
@port_rhombus My husband does great on LinkedIn, seems to mostly be connected to good people and can handle standing up for them when assholes show up.
Me? I was there for a couple of months and left. I miss some of the people I got to know, but there was just too much drama wearing a "Ask Me About My Fancy Degree In Asshattery" shirt.
@Alchemyhus Oh my goodness! This looks like one of the sweetest babies! 🥰
#CoSoArt - I don't think I've shared any of my art here yet! For Halloween I found a little inspiration from cubism. I put Victor Frankenstein and the Monster together to make one being.
@TXPamInOH My understanding (I'm new) is that all viewpoints are welcome, but not all behavior is. If anyone's behavior is a significant problem, it won't be for long.
Whilst I'm on the subject of colourisation, here's another of my earliest ones. From the #Kubrick film 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb'.
@JackCaffrey One of my favorite movies!
@Eulimnadia Mine is also a Gatsby! Because she's a grey catsby, and nobody in our house ever learns to stop letting me name animals.
"Why are my pictures showing up sideways?!"
For your safety, CounterSocial automatically scrubs your media to remove all metadata—including orientation. You can fix this in one of two ways:
1. Make a minor edit to your picture (crop, resize, etc.) before uploading it here.
2. Take your photos in landscape orientation in the first place.
You probably already think that CounterSocial is cool, but have you checked out YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
That's right. Yours. #CoSoTips
@Tsalite I'm hoping if you're able to not brag, that means it's nothing serious! Take care of yourself.
I've ended up in the ER twice because of things that went wrong with perfectly normal use of super glue. I can only imagine what I'd be capable of with power tools that aren't turned on.
@DafSmith_v4 That I knew! But I'm still wondering how they got moved there. And why. I'm a little unwilling to believe Merlin did it with magic when there's probably an even better story with more ancient engineering!
@DafSmith_v4 I didn't know that's the area the Bluestone comes from, but I do know some of my ancestors came from Pembrokeshire. I guess I may be carrying a piece of their home.
We don't have an Edit button, because what we have is even better. Click on the Post Options button on your own post, then hit Delete and re-draft.
Even free accounts have this awesome feature. #CoSoTips
@ninjacooter Thank you. 💜 My right side should loosen up as the storms move on. And I will get 50k words written this month even if I have to make a character start telling dad jokes!
@DafSmith_v4 This makes me curious about the Bluestone. I have a piece that I'm always wearing. I've always wondered why it's only found in Wales. Did it form before Wales moved?
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.