I am absolutely NOT suggesting people just "shouldn't be upset" about things. I will suggest that we figure out how to channel it into practical and strategic things.
Remember - the constant panic and shock is part of their strategy. It wears you down so you can't fight even when there's something that can be fought.
@nopuppet_007 One of the things I learned in therapy was that I was criticizing myself when I recognized a trauma reaction. As if I was just supposed to chill once I knew what it was. I learned to accept that it's happening and focus on something I can control. So I can't save the world, but maybe I can finally sort through a box of stuff I keep saying I'm going to clean out. But I do have to put limits on it so I won't overwork myself. One box. Maybe two. Then rest.
@weirdfizz thank you so much for your words, they were what I needed to hear - I’m so grateful you took the time to reach across the ether💕. It was self-compassion I was running up against - thank you for that key - it helped immensely.😌