I am absolutely NOT suggesting people just "shouldn't be upset" about things. I will suggest that we figure out how to channel it into practical and strategic things.
Remember - the constant panic and shock is part of their strategy. It wears you down so you can't fight even when there's something that can be fought.
@weirdfizz ughhhh. Same. I’m stuck in ‘freeze’. I’ve always been aware of the cPTSD my childhood gifted🙄 me with, but I’ve always felt strong, competent, on top of things, even with a debilitating health issue.
But since the election, it’s like a never-ending panic-attack that has engaged that part of my psyche (the one where parents are unstable/threatening). I’m trying to shake it. I haven’t succeeded yet. But it’s intensely uncomfortable.
@nopuppet_007 One of the things I learned in therapy was that I was criticizing myself when I recognized a trauma reaction. As if I was just supposed to chill once I knew what it was. I learned to accept that it's happening and focus on something I can control. So I can't save the world, but maybe I can finally sort through a box of stuff I keep saying I'm going to clean out. But I do have to put limits on it so I won't overwork myself. One box. Maybe two. Then rest.
@weirdfizz thank you so much for your words, they were what I needed to hear - I’m so grateful you took the time to reach across the ether💕. It was self-compassion I was running up against - thank you for that key - it helped immensely.😌
@weirdfizz I would completely agree with your post, if it weren’t for the fact that the GOP now controls the entire government. Just like they said about the Borg resistance is futile at least for four years and perhaps beyond.
@MidnightRider If all hope isn't lost, we have to be able to keep ourselves going for a long fight. If all hope is lost, then nothing we do will change it. Either way, constant panic isn't the answer. We can be informed and rightfully afraid and angry while not turning on each other the way I saw people turn on each other after a few years of his first go. It was coming from panic and burnout. That's what his side wants.
@weirdfizz All hope may not be lost among the masses, but it is for me. I’m dropping out. I don’t want horrible things to happen for any of us. I’m just done trying to push back.
@MidnightRider I want to tell you we're supposed to carry each other when somebody reaches the point you're at. But, you know, that's part of the problem. Too many people don't understand what it is to be a community. They think it's just a word for "specific segment of the population". I can tell you I don't judge you for feeling the way you do.
@weirdfizz nor would I judge you for any feelings you have.
@weirdfizz you know there’s this book that they base every breath of their life on that also says none of us should judge each other.
@MidnightRider I had a Sunday School teacher when I was a kid who was very upset about me trying to put Satan on the prayer list. She had me talk to the Assistant Pastor, and he was very uncomfortable when I pointed out the preacher said Satan is the enemy and also said Jesus wants us to love and pray for our enemies. I was sincerely confused about why that wouldn't include Satan.
I don't think they were disappointed a few years later when I stopped showing up.
@weirdfizz The worst I’ve ever been treated by a stranger in my life was nuns at the Catholic Church, it’s not even a close contest either.
@weirdfizz I started working out and working on making sure my self defense training wasn't going rusty. Can't recommend it enough. When you can't do anything about how weak you feel, grow stronger.
That's part of why I'm focusing on art. My PTSD hypervigilance has been in overdrive. That's not good for my health, and it's not going to make me someone others can go to for help.