Chekists and their lists. It's a Russian thing. Welcome to all newly added.
There are a handful of repeat offenders who join CounterSocial to try and skirt the rules around community abuse. The first thing they do is block me and a handful of other long-time users.
If you see someone being an asshole, please report them. We don't tolerate that nonsense here. #CoSoTips
Gonna show off some of my latest #Photography. Make sure to click on them to see the correct orientation and full aspect ratios I do alot cropping
@Render that’s spot on.
@DanceLight @Anemone May also have to do with being a former Federal prosecutor. This is a good fight, and he's in it.
@vrtnr I've had it suggested to me that Trump has more impulse control than it appears. We'll see.
@vrtnr In which case he faces likely state charges for which he can receive no Presidential pardon, so that would be too bad for Flynn.
@logan The Director is not going to say a thing. That the FBI Agents Association said something, however, is a positive development.
"How come there aren't any trolls?"
Did you know that Mayflies have the shortest lifespan on earth at a scant 24 hours? CoSo trolls look upon them with profound envy, for their lifespans aren't measured in days or hours, but mere minutes. They join, they toot, they die. It's awesome.
You can help by reporting any post that's obviously troll content. Tap on the ellipses (...) below the post, then hit the Report option.
Help us to keep CoSo troll-free!
@Render @th3j35t3r @Desmblake okay. next question: how does one add a column in order to just see that timeline?
@Render @Desmblake Okay. Is there a list somewhere of what is blocked by design or do I get to play crash test dummy for awhile (which I'm okay with, btw)?
@Desmblake @Render Seems to be right here ->
@tmbrown327 @Davide My first toot here was this img. You get used to it after awhile.
Tracking where Putin hides his wealth...
An anagram, if you can spell it. He/him. Hopelessly American. I'm here to help, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding.